How SASSA Grant Will be Paid

In South Africa, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is responsible for administering various social grants to support vulnerable individuals and families. As we approach 2024, it’s essential for SASSA beneficiaries to understand how their grants will be paid. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the payment methods and important dates to keep in mind.

SASSA Payment Methods

With over 16 million people receiving social grants in South Africa, SASSA offers several methods to ensure that beneficiaries can conveniently access their grants after SASSA payment dates. These include:

Cash Collection from Specific Retailers

One of the most convenient payment methods offered by SASSA is the ability to collect your grant in cash from designated retailers such as Checkers, Shoprite, Pick n Pay, Boxer, and Usave. This option provides beneficiaries with the flexibility to access their funds at their preferred location and time.

Direct Payment into Bank Accounts

SASSA also offers the option to have your grant payments directly transferred into your personal bank account. To change your payment method to a bank account, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the SASSA SRD website
  2. Click on the “South African ID Holders” option at the bottom of the screen
  3. Scroll down to “How do I change my banking details”
  4. Insert your ID number in the provided box
  5. Check your cellphone (the number you used to apply with) for an SMS with a secure link
  6. Click the secure link and carefully follow the instructions provided

It’s important to note that you must be the owner of the bank account to receive your grant payments. SASSA will not pay your grant into an account belonging to someone else.


Another option for receiving your grant payments is through the SASSA card. Similar to cash collection from retailers, you can use your SASSA card to collect your funds from designated outlets such as Checkers, Shoprite, Pick n Pay, Boxer, and Usave.

Remember, it’s crucial to keep your personal details up-to-date with SASSA to ensure that your grant payments are processed without any issues. Stay informed about the available payment methods and make the most of the services provided by SASSA to support your financial well-being.

SASSA Payment Schedule For June 2024

When it comes to social grants, timing is everything. The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) typically starts paying grants from the second working day of each month, unless the payment date falls on a public holiday or weekend. However, if the usual payment date coincides with a weekend, SASSA adjusts the schedule to ensure that beneficiaries receive their grants on time.

June 2024 Payment Dates

For June 2024, SASSA has adjusted the payment schedule to accommodate the weekend. Beneficiaries will receive their grants from the fourth day of the month. Here’s a breakdown of the payment dates for each grant type:

Old Age Grant

  • Payment Date: 4th of June 2024

Disability Grant

  • Payment Date: 4th of June 2024

Child Support Grant

  • Payment Date: 4th of June 2024

Foster Child Grant

  • Payment Date: 4th of June 2024

Care Dependency Grant

  • Payment Date: 4th of June 2024

SASSA Grant Amounts

The grant amounts vary depending on the type of grant. Here are the grant amounts for June 2024:

  • Old Age Grant (Below 75 years old): R2,180
  • Old Age Grant (Above 75 years old): R2,200
  • War Veterans Grant: R2,200
  • Disability Grant: R2,180
  • Foster Child Grant: R1,180
  • Care Dependency Grant: R2,180
  • Child Support Grant: R530
  • Child Support Grant Top-Up: R250 (plus the value of Child Support Grant)
  • Grant-in-Aid: R530
  • Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant: R370 (increased from R350 in April)

What to Do If You Miss a SASSA Grant Payment

Missing a SASSA grant payment can be stressful and unsettling, especially for those who rely heavily on these social benefits. If you find yourself in this situation, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you resolve the issue and get back on track.

Check for Delays

Before panicking, it’s essential to verify whether the delay is due to a processing issue or a genuine mistake. SASSA payments are sometimes staggered throughout the month by grant type, which can lead to delays. Additionally, technical issues or system glitches can cause temporary disruptions in the payment process.

Contact SASSA

If you’re certain that the delay is not due to a processing issue, it’s crucial to reach out to SASSA directly. You can contact them through their official channels, such as their website, phone number, or email. Be prepared to provide your ID number, grant type, and any relevant details to help them assist you more efficiently.

Report the Issue

When you contact SASSA, be sure to report the issue and provide any supporting documentation, such as proof of income or expenses. This will help them investigate the matter and resolve it as quickly as possible. Remember to stay calm and patient during the process, as resolving the issue may take some time.

Follow-up and Follow-through

After reporting the issue, make sure to follow up with SASSA to ensure that the matter is being addressed. Keep a record of your communication, including dates, times, and details of your conversations. This will help you track the progress and ensure that the issue is resolved to your satisfaction.

Responsibilities of  SASSA Beneficiaries

To ensure the continuous and uninterrupted payment of grants, SASSA beneficiaries have certain responsibilities:

  1. Updating Personal Information: Beneficiaries must regularly update their personal information, such as contact details and residential address, with SASSA to ensure that they receive important notifications and that their grants are paid to the correct location.
  2. Reporting Changes in Circumstances: Beneficiaries must report any changes in their circumstances, such as employment status, income, or living arrangements, to SASSA, as these changes may affect their eligibility for the grant.
  3. Collecting Grants on Time: Beneficiaries should collect their grants within the specified payment period to avoid any delays or complications in future payments.


By understanding the SASSA grant payment process and staying informed about your grant, you can better manage your finances and make the most of your social benefits. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to SASSA’s call center for assistance, 0800 601 0111.

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